The Jesuit Institute for Family Life International (JIFLiNET) was founded based on a deep spiritual encounter with Jesus by Robert Fabing, SJ ( in 1961. The mission quite simply was to "do something" about the pain in so many homes. In the fall of 1973, Fr. Fabing opened the first Jesuit Institute for Family Life in Los Altos, CA. In 1982, the first branch of JIFLiNET opened in San Jose. Over the 55 years since the original inspiration, JIFLiNET has spread throughout the world so that there are 89 branches on five continents (e.g., 29 branches in mainland China alone). With the opening of each local branch of JIFLiNET, Fr. Fabing has felt the same inspiration he felt in 1961.
While not all clients of JIFLiNET are Catholic, all the therapists are practicing their faith in a very practical Jesuit manner - by trying to relieve the suffering of others. We do what we do (solid psychotherapy with a Jesuit sensibility) for all, and when the client happens to be Catholic, they do not have to explain this cultural and faith perspective to the therapist. The local branch of JIFLiNET, Christus Institute was founded in San Diego during the 1980s at Christ the King Parish in Logan Heights. Over the years, we've had the pleasure of having many gifted and devoted therapists fulfilling the JIFLiNET mission and vision. Over the years, Christus Institute has been blessed by referrals from Catholic Charities when someone calls them asking for a Catholic therapist. These have historically included Gilbert Gentile, S.J., M.Div., LCSW, Robert Stanovik, LCSW, Mary Ann Klancer-Stanovik, LCSW, Joan D. Landguth, LCSW, Aubree Papaj, MS, IMF, Marilyn Marshall, PhD., MFT, Lilliana Maestas, LCSW, and Charles Farrow, Ph.D. Currently, our therapists include Nancy Morgan, MFT (760) 803-2295, Mary Lee Hill, MFT (760) 687-9883, and Paul Santero, Psy.D.
Currently, our therapists include Nancy Morgan, MFT (760) 803-2295, Mary Lee Hill, MFT (760) 687-9883, and Charles Farrow, Ph.D.,, and
If you (or your parish) are interested in Chirstus Instutite and its services, please call or email today. We should be able to help you find the right Christus Institute therapist for your individual, couples, group or family therapy needs today.